1:1 Sessions

Karma the clearing session

In this powerful 45-minute KARMA session, We will go into your Akashic Records and find and clear the pattern(s) / blocks that are currently affecting you, even limiting you. I will look into both past and present life patterns that are affecting you so that you can align yourself with your most ideal time line. Sometimes this means looking into your possible future if you stay on your current path. We can do this for love, career, money, family and relationships as well as general happiness. If you’re trying to manifest a desired life but are unsuccessful, we will go into your Akashic records, and clear, resolve, and uncreate patterns that no longer serve you, allowing you to transcend your current limitations and manifest your desires. Knowing what is blocking you is so important to be able to fix it and move forward. By accessing the ancient wisdom and guidance from your Akashic Masters and Teachers, we will break energetic cords and release stagnant energy, that’s preventing you from realising your full potential. This session is also for you if you keep attracting the same negative patterns in your relationships. We can find out how to prevent that in the future. The added bonus is the video and audio recording of the session sent to you, which allows you to come back to it as needed. one transformative session 

Or pack of 4 x 1h sessions $699 4x 1h weekly or fortnightly sessions plus touch points in between in Voxer or messenger 

Plus 4 weekly energy tune ups - this is done remotely 
- plus access to EarthSchool for a month

SPIRIT Session

Have a burning question that you really need some guidance for? The SPIRIT session is divinely channeled information from your Akashic Records.  We go right into the Akasha to see what information your Akashic Records hold around this specific issue. 
We also use my tarot cards to create the visual and my Astral team E C H O to give us the understanding and intergration so that the information that comes through is specific and not just fluff. I find that often loved ones will pop in with their guidance too which is always lovely and gives a feeling of familiarity. This immersive session is tailored to empower and enlighten you on your journey, and answer those pressing questions. 
 To gain clarity please make sure you have no more than 3 questions for this session. Any more and we may not get through them all, as the answers are delivered in a detailed and loving way, so as not to create overwhelm. Book this SPIRIT if you have 1-3 questions and experience the power of this divinely-guided, 1:1 session via zoom.
replay will be sent to you afterwards within 48h

$122 for 30min


Life Purpose Blueprint 

This is the session that will reveal to you your life purpose, your Work purpose, the lessons that you are here to learn and navigate through… this gives great insight into your relationships and the dynamics. Why you keep repeating certain patterns.
we will travel through Your Soul's Journey through Past Lives  Your Soul’s Purpose, Your mission.. Your Soul's entire blueprint
  The sacred information contained within this reading is so specific it has transformed my clients in many ways:
 - helped them get unstuck wherever they felt stuck
 - align themselves with their most ideal timelines
 - take leaps
 - start new careers
 - call in love
 - create better relationships
  - create more abundance
- call in more money
  - be happier more at peace
This session is a re-discovering of who you truly are, finding a deep sense of meaning and purpose in your life, and sets you up to finding true happiness from within.
 1.5h live 1:1 online session with me to uncover how much more there is to you  below the visible tip of the iceberg.
Although the information will take about 90min, we are on Spirit time so please allow for up to 2h
I know that after all the information that you receive here, you might wonder where to now? To help you intergrate it all and expand further you will receive the opportunity to do  EarthSchool for $1 for the first month.
There you can continue with this journey of activating your powers


You're doing ok in business but would really like to know how to move the needle more...or faster...
Perhaps you are considering a different path but aren't sure whether it's the right time/move/ decision for you?
Maybe you are on the Psychic development path and would like a potent 1h Mentoring session to see whether you're on the right track? to tweak  your practice so it's more powerful - because we don't know what we dont know.
Whether what you're experiencing or not experiencing is right?
Not quite ready to join SoulSchool or PRACTICUM just one hour of power within your Akashic Records will do.
This session is for you.
We will look at what your energy field is doing, and manipulate your energy to align you to your ideal time line, desire outcome.
  into your Akashic Records and with the help of my
 Astral Team E C H O you will receive the highest possible guidance. Are you ready to elevate your business or take your psychic development to the next level? Your Guides and Akashic teachers and myAstral team will empower you to find your purpose, path and direction.  This is not your average 'business mentoring'  or 'psychic mentoring' session. You don't need to hear my thoughts and experience, what you want is the information contained within YOUR Akashic Records as that will unlock something within you to propel you to that next level!
Replay will be sent to you within 48h
1h session

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